Furies (2013)

Original id: 
Start date: 
25 April 2013
End date: 
19 May 2013
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
A new play written (and performed) in English by Ry Herman, "based on ideas, concepts, and characters by Beth Biller, Vanessa Bomert, Annemieke Drummen, Katrin Hartai, Ry Herman, Anna Pushkarevskaya, Lydia Scharf, Shirin Sevim, and Jeff Silence"
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Eumenides Aeschylus
Person Role Notes
Beth Biller Actor Clotho/Athena/Pemphredo
Vanessa Bomert Actor Alex
Annemieke Drummen Actor Aura
Katrin Hartai Actor Lachesis/Crys
Ry Herman Writer
Ry Herman Director
Anna Pushkarevskaya Actor Cassie/Enyo
Lydia Scharf Actor Tess/Deino
Shirin Sevim Actor Atropos/Leda
Jeff Silence Actor Bob
Venue Festival Dates Notes
University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 24 April, 2013 to 26 April, 2013 Theater im Romanischen Keller
University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 30 April, 2013 to 3 May, 2013 Theater im Romanischen Keller
Theater de Cameleon (Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands) 17 May, 2013 to 18 May, 2013
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Facebook Event Page: Furies Webpage https://web.archive.org/web/20220701093038/https://www.facebook.com/events/theater-im-romanischen-keller/furies/114578382067259/
Schauspielgruppe des Anglistischen Seminars: Previous Productions: 2013 Season Webpage https://web.archive.org/web/20220701091043/http://ssg-as-heidelberg.de/2013-season

How to cite this production

Furies (2013), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/14752 <2 March 2025>