La Didon se sacrifiant [Dido Sacrificing Herself] (1558)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1558
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Tragedy. Published in 1574 in France. In Les oeuvres et meslanges poétiques (Paris: Chesneau, 1574). In modern edition, Four Renaissance Tragedies (1966).
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Aeneid Virgil
Heroides Ovid
Person Role Notes
Étienne Jodelle Writer
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.1 Book library 49 DLLF 1984, 1:1125 / Lancaster 1929-42, pt.2, 1:47 / Stone 1974, pp.94-104 / McGraw-Hill 1984, 3:101 / Bono 1984, pp.107-116, 137f.

How to cite this production

La Didon se sacrifiant [Dido Sacrificing Herself] (1558), accessed at <25 March 2025>