Ifigenia in Aulide (1779)

Original id: 
Start date: 
12 January 1779
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
This work is described as a dramma per musica. Serio’s version of the plot can be identified by the absence of Clytemnestra and the presence of Elisena, the 'other' Iphigenia, who dies instead of the heroine. The production of the opera was accompanied with three ballets: Griselda; Il servo di due padroni; Allegra danza per festeggiare le nozze di Achille. Of these, the last one might have been a part of the action of the opera, or a comment on it: see Production ID 10815. Other settings of the libretto attributed to Serio: Prati for Florence in 1784 (Sartori ID 12731), Rossi for Genoa in 1784 (Sartori ID 12732) and Giordani for Rome in 1786 (Satori ID 12736). McClymonds in the New Grove Opera questions the attributions of the libretti for Rossi and Giordani to Sarti on the basis that they include a part for Clitennestra. She also suggests that the 1782 London production of Bertoni's same-tiltled opera was based on Serio’s libretto and not Cigna-Santi’s (Sartori ID 12730).
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Iphigenia at Aulis Euripides
Person Role Notes
Giovanni Ansani (1744-1826) Singer Agamennone, tenor
Antonio Baldi (fl.1722-1735) Stage Machinist
Francesco Bezzi Scenographer
Antonia Buonocore AKA Bonocore Costume Designer
Gertrude Flavis Singer Elissena
Giuseppina Maccherini Ansani (fl.1765-1791) Singer Ifigenia, soprano
Luigi Marchesi (1755-1829) Singer Achille, castrato
Vincente Martín y Soler (1754-1806) Composer
Pietro Muschietti Singer Ulisse
Antonia Rubinacci Singer Arcade
Luigi Serio (1744-1799) Librettist
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Teatro S. Carlo (Naples, Campania, Italy) 12 January, 1779

How to cite this production

Ifigenia in Aulide (1779), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/10814 <18 February 2025>