I fratelli nemici (1756)

Original id: 
Start date: 
9 January 1756
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
This tragedia per musica draws on Racine's La Thébaïde, ou Les frères ennemis. The libretto was sketched out in French by Frederick II and completed and translated by Tagliazucchi. Another production of the opera took place in Berlin in 1781 (Sartori ID 11018). The libretto states that 'balli' were provided by 'sgr. Salomon', but it is not clear if they were part of the action or not.
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

I fratelli nemici (1756), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/10776 <18 February 2025>