La forza dell'amicizia ovvero Pilade e Oreste (1728)

Original id: 
Start date: 
17 August 1728
Production notes: 
Libretto: Giovanni Claudio Pasquini, La forza dell'amicizia ovvero Pilade ed Oreste. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Gratz festeggiandosi il glorioso e felicissimo giorno natalizio dell [...] maestà di Elisabetta Cristina imperatrice regnante, per comando della [...] maestà di Carlo VI imperadore l'anno 1728 (Vienna: Johann Peter van Ghelen, 1728). Act I composed by Reutter, Acts II and III and intermezzi composed by Caldara. Intermezzi were interval entertainments. It seems that in this case their plot was to some extent linked to the opera. Titled Bleso ed Alisca, they are played out between Bleso, 'servo e marinaro di Oreste', and Alisca, 'paesana scitica'. They appear to be sung comic pieces.
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

La forza dell'amicizia ovvero Pilade e Oreste (1728), accessed at <6 March 2025>