Andromaca (1702)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1702
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Pietro d'Averara, 'Andromaca. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Milano. Consagrato alla S.R.M. Di Filippo V re delle Spagne' (Milano: Marc'Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta, 1701). The libretto for this production is linked to Euripides via Racine's Andromaque. It follows Racine, but introduces several subplots, some of them comic in nature. Prologue (Fato, Gloria). Dramatis personae: Andromaca, Pirro, Ermione, Oreste, Pillade, Elettra, Fenicio, Cefica, Pipo. Each of the five acts features ballets: I: di guastadori, e villanelle; II: di giouani, e donzelle nobili, che formano I giuochi di Giunone; III: mascare di varie nazioni; IV: de combattenti; V: de cortigiani seguaci di Cintia.
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Andromache Euripides
Person Role Notes
Pietro d'Averara Librettist
Paolo Magni Composer
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Grove Music Online Website New Grove Opera: Dale E. Monson, 'Andromache'; Thomas Walker, Magni, Paolo'; Harris S. Saunders, 'd'Averara, Pietro'
I Libretti Italiani a Stampa dalle Origini al 1800. 7 vols Book library
From Alessandro (1726) to Tolomeo (1728): The Final Royal Academy Operas Thesis archive Ch. 7: Astianatte and the Scandal

How to cite this production

Andromaca (1702), accessed at <4 March 2025>