Apollo and his Oracle in the Oresteia |
1984 |
Deborah H. Roberts |
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.03.2 and 03.3 (Fall 1995/Winter 1996) |
1995 |
Alistair Elliot, Charles Martindale, Daniel Mendelsohn, David Ferry, Deborah H. Roberts, Herbert Golder, Jenny S. Clay, Kenneth J. Reckford, Lowell Edmunds, Mark Rudman, Michael C. J. Putnam, Michael Kustow, Richard Jenkyns, Rosanna Warren, Thomas G. Palaima, Tony Harrison, William Logan, William Vance |
A Companion to Greek Tragedy |
2005 |
Berndt Seidensticker, Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Christopher Pelling, Deborah H. Roberts, Douglas Cairns, Jocelyn P. Small, John Davidson, Justina Gregory, Luigi Battezzato, Martin Cropp, Michael J. Anderson, Michael R. Halleran, Neil Croally, Paula Debnar, Peter Wilson, Ruth Scodel, Scott Scullion, Suzanne Saïd, William Allan |
Remaking the Classics: Literature, Genre and Media in Britain 1800-2000 |
2007 |
Christopher Stray, Leanne Hunnings, Amanda Wrigley, Stephen Harrison, Elizabeth Vandiver, Ruth Hazel, Lorna Hardwick, Deborah H. Roberts, Sheila Murnaghan, Sheila Murnaghan |