
Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Kings Kiln Theatre [previously Tricycle Theatre] (London, Greater London, England) PW Productions
Arianna e Teseo Teatro della Dame (Rome, Latium, Italy)
El rapto de de Ganimedes Coliseo del Principe (Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
La Galatea unknown venue (Passau, Bavaria, Germany)
Ariane ravie [Ariadne Seduced] unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Arianna Teatro del Falcone (Genoa, Liguria, Italy)
Les amours du Soleil [Love of the Sun] (for Leucothoë) Théâtre Marais (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Spoken Greek Verse Discourses Ltd
L'Arianna unknown venue (Pavia, Lombardy, Italy)
Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo unknown venue (Padova, Veneto, Italy)
Die betr¨bte und geströstete Galathée [Galatea Tried and True] unknown venue (Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Germany)
Acis and Galatea Lincoln's Inn Fields (London, Greater London, England)
The Golden Age British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Les caprices de Galathée L’Opéra (Lyons-la-Forêt, Upper Normandy, France), L’Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Aci e Galatea Court (Naples, Campania, Italy)
The Silver Age British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Il Natale di Achille unknown venue (Palermo, Sicily, Italy)
Nioba, die Königen zu Theba [Niobe, Queen of Thebes] (1557) 1557 unknown venue (Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany)
Dismissal of the Greek Envoys (1563) 1563
Achiles / Thetis (1578) 1578
The Tragedie of Dido, Queene of Carthage 1.1 (1587 - 1588) 1587 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus (1594) 1594 The Rose Playhouse (Tudor) (London, Greater London, England)
The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus (1594) 1594 The Rose Playhouse (Tudor) (London, Greater London, England)
The Merchant of Venice (1598) 1598 Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Het spel van Theseus ende Ariadne [The Play of Theseus and Ariadne] (1602) 1602 unknown venue (Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands)
La Galatea (1603) 1603 unknown venue (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
L'Arianna (1608) 1608 Gonzaga Court (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy)
The Masque of Beauty (1608) 1608 Court (London, Greater London, England)
The Brazen Age (1610 - 1613) 1610 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
The Iron Age (1612 - 1613) 1612 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
La Galatea: Favola marittima [Galate, a Tale of the Sea] (1614) 1614 unknown venue (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy)
Gli amori di Aci e Galatea [The Loves of Acis and Galatea] (1617) 1617 Court (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy)
Muscial intermedi for S. Branchi's Europa rapita da Giove (1623) 1623 unknown venue (Verona, Veneto, Italy)
La Niobé (1628) 1628 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
"Song of the Cyclops" (1629) 1629 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Perseo (1634) 1634 Teatro SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Coeulum Britannicum (1634) 1634 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Perseus (1634) 1634
Los tres mayores prodigios [The Three Greatest Marvels] (1636) 1636 Buen Retiro (Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
La Galatea (1639) 1639 Teatro Barberino (Rome, Latium, Italy)
Orithia (1650) 1650 Teatro S. Apostoli (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Niobe (1652) 1652 unknown venue (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy)
Il ratto d'Europa (1653) 1653 Teatro Ducale (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Oritia (1655) 1655 unknown venue (Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
L'incostanza trionfante, overo Il Theseo [Inconstancy Triumphant, or Theseus] (1658) 1658 Teatro San Cassiano (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Apolo y Climene (1661) 1661 Buen Retiro (Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
Gli amori di Apollo e di Leucotoe [The Loves of Apollo and Leucothoë] (1663) 1663 Teatro SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Galatea (1667) 1667 unknown venue (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Il Perseo (1669) 1669
Ariane (1672) 1672 Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
'Tantalus' reinterprets Trojan War 2000 Review archive
'The Unbearable Truth of War' - New York Review Blog 2012 - Christopher Carroll 2012 Print-out archive
'Troy ... um, war ... You Know': Review in The New York Times: Charles Isherwood: 'An Iliad' 2012 Print-out archive
10 hours not only big thing about play 2000 Article archive
2001: an arts odyssey - theatre 2001 Review archive
8 photographic stills of The Myth Makers Print-out archive
A day well spent 2001 Review archive
A Greek Play in a London Drawing-Room 1883 Newspaper cutting archive
A History of the Production 2000 Production chronology archive
A Trojan dog 2001 Article archive
Advance copy of Helene Foley Tantalus review 2001 Print-out archive
Advertisement in Camden New Journal 2001 Newspaper cutting archive
Agamemnon - DVD of stage production 2009 DVD archive
Agamemnon : page on director's website 2017 Print-out archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Book library
All Edinburgh Theatre Review - The Iliad 2016 Print-out archive
Allison Pearson Column : 'Brad can conquer me any day' Newspaper cutting archive
Almeida Greeks: festival Programme 2015 Pamphlet archive
Another suitcase, another Hall 2000 Article archive
Applause 2000 Newsletter archive
Applause magazine special edition : Tantalus 2000 Magazine archive
Aquila Theatre website : The Wrath of Achilles 2002 Print-out archive
Arion 22.1 (Spring 2014) 2014 Journal library
Article : 'Greek tragedy' Newspaper cutting archive
Article from 2004 Article archive
Article: Brad still waiting for his Helen of Troy 2004 Newspaper article archive
Article: Page Troy Girls 2004 Newspaper article archive
Article: Trojan war shows Bush and Blair's Achilles' heel , say actors who see a modern-day similarity 2004 Newspaper article archive
Article: Troy Boy hits 40 2004 Newspaper archive
Article: Troy stars speak out at 'futility of war' 2004 Newspaper article archive
Audio CD - Alice Oswald reading Memorial 2011 CD archive
Audio CD of Alice Oswald reading Falling Awake 2016 CD archive
Audio recording on cassette with script booklet - Recital of Ancient Greek Poetry 1978 Audiotape archive
Audio recording on disc - The War With Troy 2004 CD archive
Barton's Trojan vision 2001 Review archive
BBC announces ‘visceral’ Troy drama as part of new season of programmes (The Guardian) 2015 Webpage
BBC News: Homer's Iliad performed in 15-hour London epic 2015 Print-out archive
BBC News: Homer's Iliad to become an epic online performance 2015 Print-out archive
BBC News: Troy wins battle at US box Office 2004 Print-out archive
BBC Website: series listing 2018 Webpage
BMCR Tantalus review Print-out archive
Book Review: Achilles and the good ode days 2000 Newspaper article archive
Breastplates, bikinis and blood : review of Tantalus 2001 Newspaper cutting archive
Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes Homerique Photocopy archive
By Jupiter Photocopy archive
Camden New Journal festival review : Trojan Circle Newspaper cutting archive
Cast list : Myrmidons-Nerheids-Phrygians 2004 Print-out archive
Centre for Hellenic Studies Newsletter 2003 Newsletter
Clash of the Titans 2000 Article archive
Clash of the Titans : review of Tantalus 2000 Photocopy archive
Title Format Date
8 photographic stills of The Myth Makers Print-out
A History of the Production Production chronology
Allison Pearson Column : 'Brad can conquer me any day' Newspaper cutting
Article : 'Greek tragedy' Newspaper cutting
BMCR Tantalus review Print-out
Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes Homerique Photocopy
By Jupiter Photocopy
Camden New Journal festival review : Trojan Circle Newspaper cutting
Colour print-outs of 12 movie posters: Helen of Troy Print-out
Column : comment on Garrett Hedlund Newspaper cutting
Email : 'National Theatre Wales ILIAD' Print-out
Email : IMDb Homer page Print-out
Email : The Greeks Print-out
Email : The Silliad Print-out
Email and Denver symposium papers : Tantalus Print-out
Email re. Tantalus KCL conference Print-out
Evening Standard article : 'How war became the new date film' Newspaper cutting
Evening Standard article : 'Hunt is on for perfect girl to launch Brad's 1000 ships' Newspaper cutting
Evening Standard article : 'Winding up, the elastic band' Photocopy
Flyer Flyer
Flyer: Last Days of Troy Flyer
Gossip column : cartoon & Troy comment Newspaper cutting
Guardian article : 'Classic upstart : Christopher Logue' Newspaper cutting
Guardian article : 'Play's first staging for 2050 years' Print-out
Guardian listings : Classic Serial : The Iliad Newspaper cutting
Guardian review of reviews : Troy Newspaper cutting
Guardian Review: 'Homer made modern, but missing a vision' Print-out
Iliad, National Theatre of Wales, review : 'stamina of Hector-sized proportions is required' Print-out
Interview : 'Mike Pearson on his long-haul production of ILIAD for National Theatre Wales' Print-out
Letter re. Idomeneus Handwritten letter
Letter re. Iliad Handwritten letter
Letter re. Tantalus Correspondence
Letter re. Tantalus Correspondence
Letter re. War Music Correspondence
National Theatre Wales ILIAD review - 'grandeur and beauty' Print-out
Press Release : 'National Theatre Wales' ILIAD : Epic storytelling for the age of the box-set' Print-out
Print out of Audio CD cover and leaflet Print-out
Print-out of composer's website Print-out
Print-out of production official website Print-out
Programme notes : Helen of Troy NFT screening Programme
Programme: The Last Days of Troy (2014) Programme
Review : 'Homer's epic is the theatrical event of the year' Print-out
Review : 'Iliad : War Music, National Theatre Wales Print-out
Review : Iliad Print-out
Review : Iliad, National Theatre Wales Print-out
Review : War Music Photocopy
Review : War Music Photocopy
Review by Michael Billington : 'The War - art theatre with a vengeance' Print-out
Review by Michael Coveney : The War Print-out
Tantalus email discussion Print-out