
Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Aeneas in Carthago
La Troiade Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Enée à Carthage unknown venue (Stockholm, Greater Stockholm, Sweden)
The Golden Age British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
El rapto de de Ganimedes Coliseo del Principe (Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
Didone abbandonata King’s Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Les Troyens unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Les troyens unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
The Aeneid Stratford Studio Theatre (Stratford, Ontario, Canada)
"The Burning of Troy," "The Deaths of Hecuba, Priam, Menelaus, Helena, Pyrhus." British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Dido in Cartagine (1524) 1524 unknown venue (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Didone (1542) 1542 unknown venue (Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Didone (1546) 1546 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Didon se sacrifiant [Dido Sacrificing Herself] (1558) 1558 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Le Troiane [The Trojan Women] (1566) 1566 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Didon (1576) 1576 Théâtre Français (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Dido (1583) 1583 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
The Tragedie of Dido, Queene of Carthage 1.1 (1587 - 1588) 1587 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Titus Andronicus (1594) 1594 The Rose Playhouse (Tudor) (London, Greater London, England)
The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus (1594) 1594 The Rose Playhouse (Tudor) (London, Greater London, England)
Phaeton (1598) 1598 The Rose Playhouse (Tudor) (London, Greater London, England)
Los amores de Dido y Eneas (1613) 1613
"Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue" (1618) 1618 Court (London, Greater London, England)
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (1618) 1618 Court (London, Greater London, England)
L'Aretusa (1621) 1621 unknown venue (Rome, Latium, Italy)
The Sun's Darling (1624) 1624 Cockpit Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
De amsteldamsche Hecuba [The Amsteldam Hecuba] (1625) 1625
Arcades (1632) 1632 unknown venue (Harefield, Greater London, England)
Coelum Britannicum (1634) 1634 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Coeulum Britannicum (1634) 1634 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Didon (1636) 1636 Courbé (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La Didone (1641) 1641 Teatro San Cassiano (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
L'Enea (1641) 1641 unknown venue (Warszaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland)
La vraye Didon, ou, La Didon chaste (1641) 1641 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La Didone (1656) 1656 unknown venue (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Alfeo y Aretusa (1672) 1672 unknown venue (Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
Le navi d'Enea [The Ships of Aeneas] (1673) 1673 unknown venue (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
The Destruction of Troy (1678) 1678 Duke's Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
La Troiade (1679) 1679 Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Phaëton (1683) 1683 unknown venue (Versailles, Île-de-France, France)
Faëton, of, Reuckeloze stoutheit [Phaethon, or, Reckless Audacity] (1685) 1685
Il Fetonte (1685) 1685 Palazzo Reale (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Alphée et Aréthuse (1686) 1686 unknown venue (Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France)
Didon (1687) 1687 Collège d’Harcourt (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Didone (1688) 1688 unknown venue (Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Fetonte (1689) 1689 unknown venue (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Phaëton (1691) 1691 Comédie Française (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Arlequin Phaéton (1692) 1692 Hôtel Bourgoyne-Italien (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La chute de Phaéton [The Fall of Phaethon] (1694) 1694 unknown venue (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
'A Tale of Two Housmans' - Daniel Mendelsohn in New York Review of Books 2000 Newspaper cutting archive
8 photographic stills of The Myth Makers Print-out archive
Aeneid : The Musical DVD recording 2007 DVD archive
Aeneid: The Journey - website printout 2012 Print-out archive
Andromaque - recording of Grétry opera on CD 2009 CD archive
Antonio Sorella, Alessandro de’ Pazzi e il Rinascimento fiorentino. Dalle posizioni machiavelliane ai Medici e a Bembo 2013
Arion, Fall 2010 2010 Journal library
BBC Proms programme, 18 July - 13 September 2003 2003 Festival programme archive
Classics Now 2024 2024 Webpage
Daily Info review - Aeneid: The Journey 2012 Print-out archive
Dance Magazine (December 1975) 1975 Magazine archive
Dido in Cartagine 1887 Offprint library
Dido webpage on Unicorn What's On 2019 Print-out archive
Didone abbandonata - recording of opera on CD 2011 CD archive
Euripides: Hecuba 2015 Book library
Eventbrite: TROJANS from Company Philip Connaughton 2024 Webpage
Globe and Mail review - The Aeneid 2016 Print-out archive
Guardian Review - Daedalus and Icarus 2008 Print-out archive
Guardian Theatre blog by Tim Carroll 2007 Print-out archive
Guardian: Cork Midsummer festival review 2023 Webpage
Horseplay of a spectacular kind - Review: Les Troyens (Evening Standard) Newspaper archive
Interview- Es Devlin, set designer for Les Troyens - Saturday Guardian Review 30th June 2012 2012 Newspaper cutting archive
KCV Theaterseizoen 2003-2004 2003 Print-out library
La Didone - DVD of opera 2011 DVD archive
Le Rinascite della Tragedia: Origini Classische e Tradizioni Europee 2006 Book library
Les Troyens - DVD of opera 2012 DVD archive
Les Troyens - recording of opera on DVD 2000 DVD archive
Les Troyens, Royal Opera House - Review - Independent Print-out archive
Les Troyens: the Royal Opera: David N=McVicar brings Berlioz's most ambitious work to Covent Garden Print-out archive
Madgalen College School invitation to Aeneid Theatre Craft Weekend 2012 Print-out archive
Mungu Theatre website - Daedalus and Icarus 2008 Print-out archive
Offprint : chapter by Edith Hall : 1845 and all that : singing Greek tragedy on the London stage 1999 Offprint archive
Online Blog : TARDIS Musings 2012 Print-out archive
Online Blog : The Myth Makers review 2013 Print-out archive
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.2 1993 Book library
Oxford Playhouse Summer Programme, 2012 2012 Brochure archive
Print out of Audio CD cover and leaflet Print-out archive
Printout of website, La La La Human Steps 9/30/2011 2011 Print-out archive
Production photographs - Eneide 2011 Print-out archive
Programme notes - Concerto dal VI libro dell' Eneide 2010 Print-out archive
Promotional information - Eneide 2017 Print-out archive
Radio Times : Listings and Article 1965 Print-out archive
Review - Ovidio sarebbe contento! 2017 Print-out archive
Review by Richard Nicholson 2007 Print-out archive
Review Evening Standard - Sarah Frater 2011 Print-out archive
Sadler's Wells website - Performance details 2011 Website archive
Season brochure for Wycombe Swan, Spring 2003 2003 Brochure archive
The Dancing Times (August 1992) 1992 Magazine library
The Dancing Times (October 1992) 1992 Magazine library
The Myth Makers - BBC audio recording 1965 DVD archive
Title Format Date
8 photographic stills of The Myth Makers Print-out
Horseplay of a spectacular kind - Review: Les Troyens (Evening Standard) Newspaper
Les Troyens, Royal Opera House - Review - Independent Print-out
Les Troyens: the Royal Opera: David N=McVicar brings Berlioz's most ambitious work to Covent Garden Print-out
Print out of Audio CD cover and leaflet Print-out
The Myth Makers Script : transcribed from audio by Dan Salter Print-out
Radio Times : Listings and Article Print-out 1965
The Myth Makers - BBC audio recording DVD 1965
Invitation Invitation 1982
'A Tale of Two Housmans' - Daniel Mendelsohn in New York Review of Books Newspaper cutting 2000
Les Troyens - recording of opera on DVD DVD 2000
BBC Proms programme, 18 July - 13 September 2003 Festival programme 2003
Season brochure for Wycombe Swan, Spring 2003 Brochure 2003
Aeneid : The Musical DVD recording DVD 2007
Aeneid: The Musical - DVD recording DVD 2007
Guardian Theatre blog by Tim Carroll Print-out 2007
Review by Richard Nicholson Print-out 2007
Guardian Review - Daedalus and Icarus Print-out 2008
Mungu Theatre website - Daedalus and Icarus Print-out 2008
Andromaque - recording of Grétry opera on CD CD 2009
Programme notes - Concerto dal VI libro dell' Eneide Print-out 2010
Didone abbandonata - recording of opera on CD CD 2011
La Didone - DVD of opera DVD 2011
Printout of website, La La La Human Steps 9/30/2011 Print-out 2011
Production photographs - Eneide Print-out 2011
Review Evening Standard - Sarah Frater Print-out 2011
Sadler's Wells website - Performance details Website 2011
Aeneid: The Journey - website printout Print-out 2012
Daily Info review - Aeneid: The Journey Print-out 2012
Interview- Es Devlin, set designer for Les Troyens - Saturday Guardian Review 30th June 2012 Newspaper cutting 2012
Les Troyens - DVD of opera DVD 2012
Madgalen College School invitation to Aeneid Theatre Craft Weekend Print-out 2012
Online Blog : TARDIS Musings Print-out 2012
Oxford Playhouse Summer Programme, 2012 Brochure 2012
Online Blog : The Myth Makers review Print-out 2013
Globe and Mail review - The Aeneid Print-out 2016
Promotional information - Eneide Print-out 2017
Review - Ovidio sarebbe contento! Print-out 2017
Velia Teatro Programme - August 2011 Print-out 2017
Video recording of APGRD performance event Crossing the Sea DVD 2017
Dido webpage on Unicorn What's On Print-out 2019