La morte d'Ercole (1790)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1790
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Programmi dei due balli. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grande alla Scala il carnevale 1790. Composti dal sig. Francesco Clerico. I. La morte d'Ercole. II. La superba innamorata a suo dispetto (Milan, 1790). It is very likely that this work was based on Sophokles and/or Seneca. This is the first ballet which was performed as interval entertainment during performances of Sebastiano Nasolini's opera Andriano in Siria. The second interval-ballet for the same production, also by Clerico, was titled 'La superba innamorata a suo dispetto'. It is possible that the work is related to Clerico's other ballets on the subject: Ercole e Dejanira, Padua 1789 (Sartori ID 7057 and 9044a), La morte d’Ercole, Florence 1792 (Sartori ID 3109 and 7094), Ercole e Dejanira, Parma 1798 (Sartori ID 24978). Clerico's work probably also influenced the work of his brother-in-law Panzieri, whose choreography La morte d’Ercole was staged in Trieste in 1798 (Sartori ID 10084).
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

La morte d'Ercole (1790), accessed at <19 March 2025>