The Peace (1976)

Original id: 
Start date: 
28 June 1976
End date: 
8 July 1976
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Person Role Notes
Richard Avery
Roger Bigland Composer
Roger Bigland Instrumentalist piano
John Brook Actor Jack Tregeias-Jones
Geoff Chambers
Jeremy Gibbs Director
Jeremy Gibbs Actor Denis [Healey] Hermes
Duncan Gordon-Hogg
Katie Kingshill Actor Maggie Botcher / The Pound [= Peace]
John Livingston
Tony Markham
Matthew Reisz
Giles Vardey Writer wrote most of the script
Oliver Weindling
David Young Manager
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Greek Artists and Ancient Greek Drama: Stage Sets and Costumes - Exhibition Catalogue Book library 176

How to cite this production

The Peace (1976), accessed at <16 February 2025>