Les tragédies d'Euripide, traduites du grec par M. Prévost (1782)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Pierre Prévost Translator
See Delcourt, Marie. Etude sur les traductions des tragiques grecs et latins en France depuis la Renaissance. 1925, p.117, 196-199. According to Delcourt, Prévost started publishing three volumes of what was intended to be a complete Euripides in 1782, but he then chose to contribute to Charles Brotier's new 1785 augmented edition of Brumoy's Le Théâtre des Grecs. Amended versions of his translations were published (except Hippolytus, Alcestis and the two Iphigenia, already translated by Brumoy). Volume 2 comprised Les Phéniciennes, Médée and Andromaque (retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=_xc-AAAAcAAJ&pg=PA163 on 16/02/2012). In Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres (p.1100), Jacques-Charles Brunet mentions not three but four volumes published between 1782 and 1797 and containing twelve of Euripides' extant plays (retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=bA0PAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA606 on 16/02/2012).
Publication details: 
Published in Paris

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How to cite this translation

Les tragédies d'Euripide, traduites du grec par M. Prévost (1782), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/translations/8819 <4 March 2025>