Oresteia (1903)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 November 1903
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
The production was preceded by an Ode to Aeschylus written by Kostis Palamas and delivered by Marika Kotopouli. The demotic translation used in this production provoked a riot - known as the 'Oresteiaka' - which resulted in the death of a young demonstrator and the wounding of several others.
Media of production: 
Greek, Modern (1453-)

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
A. Alkaios Actor Pylades
Barouch Costumes
Eleni Fyrst Actor Kilissa
Edmund Fyrst Actor Agamemnon
I. Kaisaris Conductor
Marika Kotopouli Actor Athena
Sappho Leandrou Actor Klytaimnestra
Loudovikos Louis Actor Apollo
Nikos Mengoulas Actor Orestes
Zuthen Meyer Set
Konstantinos Moustakas Actor Talthybios
Rosalia Nika Actor Elektra
A. Nikas Actor Aigisthos
Thomas Oikonomou Director
Athanasios Peridis Actor Old Argive
Charles Villiers Stanford Composer
Vasileia Stefanou Actor Kassandra
Giorgios Tasoglous Actor Guard
Nikolaos Zannos Actor Old Argive

How to cite this production

Oresteia (1903), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/506 <8 February 2025>