坐繭呼天 [Prometheus Bound] (1998)

Original id: 
Start date: 
7 May 1998
End date: 
10 May 1998
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Cantonese; Yue Chinese
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Tam Chun Ho Sound Designer
Priman Lee Set Designer
Priman Lee Lighting Designer
James Mark Artistic Director
Jack Shu AKA Shu Chi Yee Jack 舒志義博士 Director
Jack Shu AKA Shu Chi Yee Jack 舒志義博士 Director
Jack Shu AKA Shu Chi Yee Jack 舒志義博士 Translator
Francis Wong Costume Designer Costume and Mask designer
曾慧儀 Actor 暴力神 (Violence) / 伊娥 (Io)
李富聰 Actor 大力神 (Might) / 漢密斯 (Hermes)
梁偉民 Actor 詠頌隊 (Chorus of Oceanids)
盧慧嫻 Actor 詠頌隊 (Chorus of Oceanids)
郭樂平 Actor 詠頌隊 (Chorus of Oceanids)
鄧惠娟 Actor 詠頌隊 (Chorus of Oceanids)
陳婉宜 Actor 詠頌隊 (Chorus of Oceanids)
黃中濠 Actor 普羅米修斯 (Prometheus)
黃治平 Actor 火神 (Hephaestus) / 水神 (Oceanus)

How to cite this production

坐繭呼天 [Prometheus Bound] (1998), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/3647 <11 March 2025>