Die Frösche (1975)

Original id: 
Start date: 
23 September 1975
End date: 
24 September 1975
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Christian Becher Actor Gehilfen
Leo Bei Composer
Wolfgang Berry Composer
Bruno Buresch Actor Gehilfen
Christa Eckert Actor Wirtin
Michael Elbert Actor Aiakos
Stephan Frotz Actor Herakles
Michael Gabler Composer
Georg Gabler Composer
Alexander Graff Actor Charon
Gabriela Hift Actor Wirtin
David Hinderling Actor Xanthias
Heldis-Isolde Höberth Costumes
Franz Hrdy Set Designer
Karin Kotal Actor Flötenspielerin
Michael Kutschera Actor Aischylos
Gerald Langer Actor Pluton
Blandina Liedermann Actor Gespenst
Liliana Niesielska Choreographer
Wolf Peschl Composer
Sophie Rosenmayr Actor Magd
Hans Salzer Actor Dionysos
Georg Temnitschka Actor Euripides
Gabriele Wiedermann Choreographer
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Tiroler Landestheater (Kreith, Tyrol, Austria) 22 September, 1975 to 23 September, 1975 in the Kammerspiele

How to cite this production

Die Frösche (1975), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/3182 <10 March 2025>