APGRD Introductions to... provide a great place to start if you'd like to learn more about ancient drama, modern performances inspired by ancient texts, archiving, and more.
Peter Swallow provides a guide to the Athenian comic playwright and his legacy in an Introduction to... Aristophanes
Ancient Greek theatre
Find out about the origins of drama with Lucy Jackson's Introduction to... ancient Greek theatre
The tragic body
Stephe Harrop considers the walking, talking, breathing, sweating bodies of actors in her Introduction to... the tragic body
Tragic costume
Rosie Wyles explains why no togas are required in her Introduction to... tragic costume
Greece and Rome on screen
Brad Wilson gives a short history of Greece and Rome in Hollywood in his Introduction to... Greece and Rome on screen
Eleanor Swire discusses the intricacies and ideals involved in preserving the past in her Introduction to... archives