Oedipe roi, tragédie de Sophocle, traduite littéralement en vers français (1858)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Jules Lacroix Translator
Verse translation by Jules Lacroix, first performed on 18/09/1858 in the Théâtre-Français (Paris) and later restaged to great acclaim in the same theatre on 9/08/1881 with Mounet Sully in the title role. After its first publication in 1858, the play was reprinted in volume 1 of Lacroix's Oeuvres complètes in 1871 and 1875, but it became popular after the 1881 revival and was reprinted four times on its own in 1888, 1890, 1892 and 1895. The 1890 edition was an illustrated deluxe edition with illustrations by J. Mazerolle. There was another illustrated edition as late as 1922 with plates by Raphaël Freida. Sources: COPAC and BNF catalogue général.
Publication details: 
Paris: Michel-Lévy frères
Ancient works on which this translation is based: 

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How to cite this translation

Oedipe roi, tragédie de Sophocle, traduite littéralement en vers français (1858), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/translations/8900 <25 March 2025>