Full title:
Verse translations of passages from Aristophanes' comedies by Eugène Fallex. In this volume, Fallex translates selected scenes in alexandrines with brief summaries of the whole plays. The book contains passages from Les Acharniens, Les Chevaliers, Les Nuées, Les Guèpes, La Paix, Les Oiseaux, Les Fêtes de Cérès, Les Grenouilles, L'Assemblée des femmes and Plutus. The title, Lysistrata, is inserted between Les Oiseaux and Les Fêtes de Cérès but no extracts from that play are given in translation. Two lines from Boileau's Art Poétique are quoted in an endnote to justify the omission: 'Le Grec, en ses propos, brave l'honnêteté, mais le lecteur français veut être respecté'. In 1849, Fallex had given a full translation of Plutus ou La Richesse. In 1863, he published a more complete verse translation of Aristophanes' plays, in which Lysistrata was again omitted. Sources: BNF catalogue général and Vapereau, Gustave. L'Année littéraire et dramatique. 2 (1860), p.74-78, 6 (1864) p.47-50. Translations available online, http://books.google.com/books?id=cAYWq7GBZ1MC&pg=PP7 (17/04/2012).
Publication details:
Paris: A. Durand
Ancient works on which this translation is based: