Mary Kay-Gamel Materials - Files on disc

digital files
Source notes: 
Includes scripts and articles by Mary-Kay Gamel (this is back-up). Copy on APGRD Server > Collections > AV > Productions > AV.Eur.Ion.1996.14276 NB. content is not AV.

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Medea (1985) 1985 Medea
Alcestis (1988) 1988 Alkestis
Elektra (1990) 1990 Elektra
The Furies (1992) 1992 Eumenides
Desire Under the Elms (1993) 1993 Hippolytos
Trionfo di Afrodite (1994) 1994 Hippolytos
Eye on Apollo (1996) 1996 Ion
Prometheus (1998) 1998 Prometheus Bound
The Julie Thesmo Show (2000) 2000 Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
The Julie Thesmo Show (2001) 2001 Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
The Eunuch (2003) 2003 Eunuchus (The Eunuch)
Iran Man (2004) 2004 Persa (The Persian)
Iran Man (2005) 2005 Persa (The Persian)
The Julie Thesmo Show (2005 - 2006) 2005 Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
The Buzzzz!!!! (2006) 2006 Wasps
Helen of Egypt (2008) 2008 Helen
Eye on Apollo (2009) 2009 Ion
Truculentus (2017) 2017 Truculentus (The Ferocious Fellow)

How to cite this source

Mary Kay-Gamel Materials - Files on disc, accessed at <20 March 2025>