International Theatre Festival of Ancient Greek Drama 2003 : programme

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Ecclesiazusae (2003) 2003 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Medea (2003) 2003 Medea
Medea (2003) 2003 Medea
Oedipus Rex-Karma (2003) 2003 Oedipus the King
Orestes (2003) 2003 Orestes
The Bacchae (2003) 2003
Thebans: Oedipus Jokasta Antigone (2003) 2003 Antigone, Oedipus the King, Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
Vatrachoi (2003) 2003 Frogs

How to cite this source

International Theatre Festival of Ancient Greek Drama 2003 : programme, accessed at <4 February 2025>