Burial at Thebes (2006)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 March 2006
End date: 
30 April 2006
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Mary Ann Barge Costume Designer
Marisa Behan Actor Chorus
Kevin Dreyer Lighting Designer
Lisa Fallon Actor Eurydice
Andrew Faulkner Director
Mark Guzik Actor Boy
Matthew Hartig Assistant Director
Andrew Hayes Actor Haemon / Tiresias
Maria Iuppa Choreographer
Kevin McCarthy Set Designer
Gavin McDowell Actor Guard
Melillo Jennifer Actor Ismene
Jenna Moran Stage Manager
Maureen Mullen Actor Chorus
Lucianna Ravasio Choreographer
Elizabeth Rogalski Actor Chorus
Jim Schneider Actor Messenger
Philip Carl Smith Music
Sean Sweany Actor Creon
Meg Trucano Actor Antigone
Benjamin Vincent Stage Manager
Tom Witherspoon Sound
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Notre Dame University (South Bend, State of Indiana, United States) in the DeBartolo Performing Arts Centre

How to cite this production

Burial at Thebes (2006), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/10019 <11 March 2025>