Enée à Carthage |
Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses |
La Galatea (1755) |
1755 |
Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony |
Choral movements for Handel's Acis and Galatea (1773) |
1773 |
Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony |
Orpheus och Euridice (1773) |
1773 |
Metamorphoses, Georgics |
Medea (1774) |
1774 |
Medea, Medea |
Médée et Jason (1774) |
1774 |
Metamorphoses, Argonautica, Theogony, Medea, Medea |
Electra (1787) |
1787 |
Elektra |
Aeneas I Carthago (Dido och Aeneas) [Aeneas in Carthage (Dido and Aeneas)] (1799) |
1799 |
Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses |
Kung Oidipus (1927) |
1927 |
Oedipus the King |
Konserthusteatern [Concert Hall Theatre], Stockholm |
Birds (1928) |
1928 |
Birds |
Konserthusteatern [Concert Hall Theatre], Stockholm |
Agamemnon (1929) |
1929 |
Agamemnon |
Konserthusteatern [Concert Hall Theatre], Stockholm |
Incidental music for Euripides' Medea (1931) |
1931 |
Medea, Medea, Metamorphoses, Argonautica, Theogony |
Medea (1931) |
1931 |
Medea |
Swedish Broadcasting Corporation |
Lysistrate (1934) |
1934 |
Lysistrata |
Medea (1934) |
1934 |
Medea |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Orfeus I sta'n [Orpheus in the City] (1938) |
1938 |
Metamorphoses, Georgics |
Flugorna [Les Mouches] (1945) |
1945 |
Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Elektra, Eumenides |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Antigone (1948) |
1948 |
Antigone |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Ajax (1950 - 1958) |
1950 |
Aias (Ajax) |
Medea (1950 - 1951) |
1950 |
Medea, Medea |
Antigone 48 (1951) |
1951 |
Antigone |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Antigone (1951) |
1951 |
Antigone |
Universitet Stockholms (Studentteatern) |
Konung Oidipus (1951) |
1951 |
Oedipus the King |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Medea (1953) |
1953 |
Medea |
Kungliga Operan & Balett [Royal Opera & Ballet] |
Oresteia (1954) |
1954 |
Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Medea (1954) |
1954 |
Medea |
Royal Swedish Ballet |
Les troyens (1958) |
1958 |
Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses |
Les Troyens (1958) |
1958 |
Trojan Women, Aeneid, Metamorphoses, Posthomerica, Trojan Women |
Medeia (1959 - 1964) |
1959 |
Medea |
Peiraïkon Theatron [Piraeus Theatre] |
Trojanskorna (1960) |
1960 |
Trojan Women |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Lysistrata (1962) |
1962 |
Lysistrata |
Philoctetes (1963) |
1963 |
Philoktetes |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Ikaros (1963) |
1963 |
Metamorphoses, Aeneid |
Hippolytus (1965) |
1965 |
Hippolytos |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Medea (1965) |
1965 |
Medea |
Royal Swedish Ballet |
Nausikaä (1966) |
1966 |
Odyssey |
Euridice es Tod [Eurydice is Dead] (1968) |
1968 |
Metamorphoses, Georgics |
Acharnis (Acharnians) (1976 - 1977) |
1976 |
Acharnians |
Theatro Technis Karolos Koun |
Medeas Barn [Medea's Children] (1979 - 1980) |
1979 |
Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1991) |
1991 |
Oedipus the King |
Swedish Radio Chorus, Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Orphei Drängar, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra |
Backanterna (1991) |
1991 |
Bacchai |
Electra (1994 - 1999) |
1994 |
Elektra |
Suzuki Company of Toga Theater (SCOT) |
Medea (1995) |
1995 |
Medea |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Ifigenia i Aulis (1995) |
1995 |
Iphigenia at Aulis |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Orestien (1996) |
1996 |
Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Teater Satori |
Backanterna (1996) |
1996 |
Bacchai |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Helena (1996) |
1996 |
Helen |
Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm |
Les Nuées (1998) |
1998 |
Clouds |
2 Antigone (2003) |
2003 |
Antigone |
Tg Stan, Antwerp |