United States

Information related to this location

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Casina, Pseudolus, Miles Gloriosus (The Boastful Soldier), Curculio, Mostellaria (The Haunted House) Theater Ludicrum
Medea Medea Columbia University (New College)
Samia Samia (The Girl from Samos) Seligson Players
Mostellaria Mostellaria (The Haunted House) Seligson Players
Frogs Frogs
Antigone Antigone
Bacchae Bacchai
Medea in Manhattan Medea
Lysistrata Lysistrata Avalon Repertory Theater
By Jupiter
Thyestes Thyestes Barnard-Columbia Ancient Drama Group
Ion (1853) 1853 Ion, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Hippolytos, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King
Ion (1881) 1881 Ion, Antigone, Hippolytos, Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King
Eumenides (1898 - 1899) 1898 Eumenides
Antigone (1903) 1903 Antigone
Trojan Women (1909) 1909 Trojan Women The Women’s Club of Upper Montclair
Electra (1910 - 1911) 1910 Elektra
Iphigenia among the Taurians (1913) 1913 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Electra (1913) 1913 Elektra
Trojan Women (1913) 1913 Trojan Women Chicago Little Theatre
Electra (1921) 1921 Elektra Bennett School of Liberal and Applied Arts
Antigone (1923) 1923 Antigone
Lysistrata (1925 - 1926) 1925 Lysistrata Moscow Art Theatre
Medea (1926) 1926 Medea
Antigone (1927) 1927 Antigone College of St Teresa (Department of Greek)
Antigone (1928) 1928 Antigone St Charles College (Department of Speech)
Alcestis (1928) 1928 Alkestis
Antigone (1929) 1929 Antigone Central College (Department of Speech)
Electra (1931) 1931 Elektra
Alcestis (1931) 1931 Alkestis Carolina Playmakers
Electra (1932) 1932 Elektra Ashland College (Department of Speech)
Euripides' Electra (1932) 1932 Elektra
Alcestis (1933) 1933 Alkestis Rosary College (Department of Speech)
Iphigenia among the Taurians (1934) 1934 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Antigone (1934) 1934 Antigone College of St Francis (Department of Speech)
Antigone (1934) 1934 Antigone Cornell College (Department of Speech)
Medea (1934) 1934 Medea New College (Department of Speech)
The Birds (1934) 1934 Birds Cornell College
Oedipus Tyrannus (1936) 1936 Oedipus the King
Lysistrata (1936) 1936 Lysistrata
Trojan Women (1936) 1936 Trojan Women Feagin School of Dramatic Art
Alcestis (1936) 1936 Alkestis UCLA Dramatic Society
Daughters of Atreus (1936) 1936 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Frogs (1938 - 1939) 1938 Frogs Winona State Teachers College
Trojan Women (1938) 1938 Trojan Women American Actors Company
Alcestis (1938) 1938 Alkestis
Electra (1939) 1939 Elektra
The Persians (1939) 1939 Persai (Persians)
Prometheus Bound (1940) 1940 Prometheus Bound
Medea (1941) 1941 Medea English Bach Festival Opera
57th Street Playhouse (United States)
Actors Studio (United States)
Archdiocesan Greek Orthodox Cathedral (United States)
Ashland College (United States)
Bayfront Theatre (United States)
Bucks County Playhouse (United States)
Buffalo Opera House (United States)
Carnegie Institute of Technology, College of Fine Arts, Drama Department (United States)
Cathedral of St John the Divine (United States)
Central College (United States)
Christopher Newport University (United States)
Church of the Good Shepherd (United States)
College of St Francis (United States)
College of St Teresa (United States)
Cornell College (United States)
Forest Theatre, Chapel Hill (United States)
Jolson's Theater (United States)
Josiah Royce Hall (United States)
Joyce Theatre (United States)
Keene State College Arts Centre (United States)
Kenan Memorial Stadium (United States)
Kirby Memorial Theater (United States)
Loyola Marymount University (United States)
Master Institute Theatre (United States)
Mendelssohn Theater (United States)
National Arts Theatre (United States)
New College (United States)
On the lawn of the residence of Mrs Julian R. Tinkham (United States)
Pasadena Playhouse Association (United States)
Pink at Zero Beach (United States)
Pittsfield High School (United States)
Players' Theatre (United States)
Poli's Theater (United States)
Rosary College (United States)
Royale Theatre (United States)
Sandes Theatre (United States)
St Charles College (United States)
St James Gothic Hall (United States)
St Peter’s Episcopal Church (United States)
The Clarence B. Hilberry Classic Theatre (United States)
The Lincoln School of Teacher’s College (United States)
The Players Theatre (United States)
The Poet’s Theatre of Harvard (United States)
Theatre Marquee (United States)
Todd Wehr Theater (United States)
Union Theological Seminary (United States)
University of Toledo (United States)
University Theatre (United States)
unknown venue (United States)
Washington State College (United States)

Locations views

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Casina, Pseudolus, Miles Gloriosus (The Boastful Soldier), Curculio, Mostellaria (The Haunted House) Theater Ludicrum
Medea Medea Columbia University (New College)
Samia Samia (The Girl from Samos) Seligson Players
Mostellaria Mostellaria (The Haunted House) Seligson Players
Frogs Frogs
Antigone Antigone
Bacchae Bacchai
Medea in Manhattan Medea
Lysistrata Lysistrata Avalon Repertory Theater
By Jupiter
Thyestes Thyestes Barnard-Columbia Ancient Drama Group
Ion (1853) 1853 Ion, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Hippolytos, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King
Ion (1881) 1881 Ion, Antigone, Hippolytos, Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King
Eumenides (1898 - 1899) 1898 Eumenides
Antigone (1903) 1903 Antigone
Trojan Women (1909) 1909 Trojan Women The Women’s Club of Upper Montclair
Electra (1910 - 1911) 1910 Elektra
Iphigenia among the Taurians (1913) 1913 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Electra (1913) 1913 Elektra
Trojan Women (1913) 1913 Trojan Women Chicago Little Theatre
Electra (1921) 1921 Elektra Bennett School of Liberal and Applied Arts
Antigone (1923) 1923 Antigone
Lysistrata (1925 - 1926) 1925 Lysistrata Moscow Art Theatre
Medea (1926) 1926 Medea
Antigone (1927) 1927 Antigone College of St Teresa (Department of Greek)
Antigone (1928) 1928 Antigone St Charles College (Department of Speech)
Alcestis (1928) 1928 Alkestis
Antigone (1929) 1929 Antigone Central College (Department of Speech)
Electra (1931) 1931 Elektra
Alcestis (1931) 1931 Alkestis Carolina Playmakers
Electra (1932) 1932 Elektra Ashland College (Department of Speech)
Euripides' Electra (1932) 1932 Elektra
Alcestis (1933) 1933 Alkestis Rosary College (Department of Speech)
Iphigenia among the Taurians (1934) 1934 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Antigone (1934) 1934 Antigone College of St Francis (Department of Speech)
Antigone (1934) 1934 Antigone Cornell College (Department of Speech)
Medea (1934) 1934 Medea New College (Department of Speech)
The Birds (1934) 1934 Birds Cornell College
Oedipus Tyrannus (1936) 1936 Oedipus the King
Lysistrata (1936) 1936 Lysistrata
Trojan Women (1936) 1936 Trojan Women Feagin School of Dramatic Art
Alcestis (1936) 1936 Alkestis UCLA Dramatic Society
Daughters of Atreus (1936) 1936 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Frogs (1938 - 1939) 1938 Frogs Winona State Teachers College
Trojan Women (1938) 1938 Trojan Women American Actors Company
Alcestis (1938) 1938 Alkestis
Electra (1939) 1939 Elektra
The Persians (1939) 1939 Persai (Persians)
Prometheus Bound (1940) 1940 Prometheus Bound
Medea (1941) 1941 Medea English Bach Festival Opera