Progne (1426 - 1427) |
1426 |
Metamorphoses, Miscellaneous |
La fabula d'Orfeo [The Story of Orpheus] (1471 - 1472) |
1471 |
Argonautica, Metamorphoses |
La fabula d'Orfeo [The Story of Orpheus] (1471 - 1472) |
1471 |
Metamorphoses, Georgics |
Captivi (1496) |
1496 |
Captivi (The Prisoners) |
Ippolito (1501) |
1501 |
Phaedra |
Poenulus (1501) |
1501 |
Poenulus (The Carthaginian) |
Adelphi (1501) |
1501 |
Adelphoe (The Brothers) |
Menaechmi (1502) |
1502 |
Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
Trinummus (1502) |
1502 |
Trinummus (Threepence) |
Pseudolus (1502) |
1502 |
Pseudolus |
Andria (1513) |
1513 |
Andria (The Girl from Andros) |
[A play by Terence or Plautus] (1522) |
1522 |
Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous |
[A play by Terence] (1522) |
1522 |
Miscellaneous |
Trinummus (1525) |
1525 |
Trinummus (Threepence) |
La favola d'Orfeo [The Story of Orpheus] (1607) |
1607 |
Georgics, Metamorphoses |
La Dafne (1608) |
1608 |
Metamorphoses |
L'Arianna (1608) |
1608 |
Iliad, Odyssey, Carmina, Metamorphoses |
Il Rapimento di Proserpina [The Rape of Proserpine] (1611) |
1611 |
Theogony, Metamorphoses, The Rape of Proserpine (De Raptu Proserpine) |
La Galatea: Favola marittima [Galate, a Tale of the Sea] (1614) |
1614 |
Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony |
Gli amori di Aci e Galatea [The Loves of Acis and Galatea] (1617) |
1617 |
Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony |
Niobe (1652) |
1652 |
Metamorphoses, Iliad |
Giasone e Medea (1771) |
1771 |
Medea, Medea |
Il ritorno d'Ulisse (1782) |
1782 |
Odyssey |