Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany

Information related to this location

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
Le sort de Medée Medea, Medea
Deukalion und Pyrrha Metamorphoses
Lysistrata Lysistrata
Medea in Atene (1675) 1675 Medea, Medea
Cefalo (1702) 1702 Metamorphoses, Theogony
Polifemo (Les amours de Polyphème) (1702) 1702 Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony
Pygmalion (1745) 1745 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Ifigenia in Aulide (1748) 1748 Iphigenia at Aulis
Fetonte (1750) 1750 Theogony, Argonautica, Aeneid, Metamorphoses
L'Orfeo (1752) 1752 Metamorphoses, Georgics
I fratelli nemici (1756) 1756 Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
Oreste e Pilade (1772) 1772 Iphigenia among the Taurians
I Greci in Tauride (1773) 1773 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Medea (1779) 1779 Medea
Orpheus (1785) 1785 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Alceste (1786) 1786 Alkestis
Andromeda (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses
Orfeo (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica
Medea (also called La partenza di Giasone da Colco and Il ritorno di Giasone in Grecia) (1788) 1788 Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Medea [a.k.a. La Partenza di Giasone da Colco, and Il Ritorno di Giasone in Grecia] (1788) 1788 Medea
Medea in Colchide o sia La partenza di Giasone da Colco (1788) 1788 Medea, Medea
Medea (also called La partenza di Giasone da Colco [Jason's Departure from Colchis] and Il ritorno di Giasone in Grecia [Jason's Return to Greece]) (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses, Theogony, Argonautica, Medea, Medea
Alceste (1796) 1796 Alkestis
Boreas und Orithyia (1802) 1802 Iliad, Theogony, Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Medea in Colchide (1805) 1805 Medea
Cephalus und Procris (1805) 1805 Metamorphoses, Theogony
Ulisse und Circe (1807) 1807 Odyssey
Apollo und Daphne (1810) 1810 Metamorphoses
Oedipus und Iokaste (1812) 1812 Oedipus the King
Die Brüder (1815 - 1830) 1815 Adelphoe (The Brothers)
Das goldene Vliess (1822) 1822 Medea
Dido (1823) 1823 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Ariadne (1823) 1823 Iliad, Odyssey, Carmina, Metamorphoses
Pygmalion (1835) 1835 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
[A play by Terence] (1841) 1841 Miscellaneous
Antigone in Berlin (1841) 1841 Antigone
Antigone (1841) 1841 Antigone
Frösche (1843 - 1844) 1843 Frogs
Medea (1843) 1843 Medea Königliches Schauspielhaus
[A play by Terence] (1844) 1844 Miscellaneous
Oedipus Rex (1845) 1845 Oedipus the King
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1845) 1845 Oedipus at Colonus
Antigone (1848) 1848 Antigone
Hippolytos (1851) 1851 Hippolytos Königliches Schauspielhaus
Narziss (1856) 1856 Metamorphoses, Dionysiaca
Trinummus (1859) 1859 Trinummus (Threepence)
[A play by Terence] (1862) 1862 Miscellaneous
Antigone (1866) 1866 Antigone
Oedipus (1873) 1873 Oedipus the King
Antigone (1886) 1886 Antigone Deutsches Theater
Ballhaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Berlin Festival (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Corsika’scher Saal (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Court (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Deutsche Oper Berlin (1961-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Deutsches Theater und Kammerspiele, Kammerspiele (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Forum-Theater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Freie Volksbühne, 1963-1992 (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Haus der Berliner Festspiele, 2000- (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Hebbel-Theater (1945-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Jesus-Christus-Kirche (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Kammermusiksaal (1987-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Komische Oper (1947-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Königliche Hofoper, Royal Opera (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Königliches National-Theater (1802-1817), Schauspielhaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Königliches Opernhaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Königliches Schauspielhaus / Konzerthaus (1821-), Königliches Schauspielhaus, Staatstheater, Staatstheater Großes Haus, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, Konzerthaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Kristall-Palast (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Kroll-Oper (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Künstlertheater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Lessing-Theater (1888-1945) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Max Reinhardts Kleines Theater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Maxim Gorki Theater (1952-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Municipal Opera (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Neues Theater am Schiffbauerdamm (1892-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Philharmonie (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schauspielhaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schillertheater (1951-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schillertheater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Schloßpark Theater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Staatsoper (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Staatsoper Unter den Linden (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Staatstheater (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Städtische Oper (1924-1943) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Teatro di Litzenbourg (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Theater am Kurfürstendamm (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Theater des Westens (1896-) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Theatermanufaktur (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Universität Berlin (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
unknown venue (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Volksbühne (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Zirkus Schumann (-1918) (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)

Locations views

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
Le sort de Medée Medea, Medea
Deukalion und Pyrrha Metamorphoses
Lysistrata Lysistrata
Medea in Atene (1675) 1675 Medea, Medea
Cefalo (1702) 1702 Metamorphoses, Theogony
Polifemo (Les amours de Polyphème) (1702) 1702 Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony
Pygmalion (1745) 1745 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Ifigenia in Aulide (1748) 1748 Iphigenia at Aulis
Fetonte (1750) 1750 Theogony, Argonautica, Aeneid, Metamorphoses
L'Orfeo (1752) 1752 Metamorphoses, Georgics
I fratelli nemici (1756) 1756 Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
Oreste e Pilade (1772) 1772 Iphigenia among the Taurians
I Greci in Tauride (1773) 1773 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Medea (1779) 1779 Medea
Orpheus (1785) 1785 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Alceste (1786) 1786 Alkestis
Andromeda (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses
Orfeo (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica
Medea (also called La partenza di Giasone da Colco and Il ritorno di Giasone in Grecia) (1788) 1788 Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Medea [a.k.a. La Partenza di Giasone da Colco, and Il Ritorno di Giasone in Grecia] (1788) 1788 Medea
Medea in Colchide o sia La partenza di Giasone da Colco (1788) 1788 Medea, Medea
Medea (also called La partenza di Giasone da Colco [Jason's Departure from Colchis] and Il ritorno di Giasone in Grecia [Jason's Return to Greece]) (1788) 1788 Metamorphoses, Theogony, Argonautica, Medea, Medea
Alceste (1796) 1796 Alkestis
Boreas und Orithyia (1802) 1802 Iliad, Theogony, Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Medea in Colchide (1805) 1805 Medea
Cephalus und Procris (1805) 1805 Metamorphoses, Theogony
Ulisse und Circe (1807) 1807 Odyssey
Apollo und Daphne (1810) 1810 Metamorphoses
Oedipus und Iokaste (1812) 1812 Oedipus the King
Die Brüder (1815 - 1830) 1815 Adelphoe (The Brothers)
Das goldene Vliess (1822) 1822 Medea
Dido (1823) 1823 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Ariadne (1823) 1823 Iliad, Odyssey, Carmina, Metamorphoses
Pygmalion (1835) 1835 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
[A play by Terence] (1841) 1841 Miscellaneous
Antigone in Berlin (1841) 1841 Antigone
Antigone (1841) 1841 Antigone
Frösche (1843 - 1844) 1843 Frogs
Medea (1843) 1843 Medea Königliches Schauspielhaus
[A play by Terence] (1844) 1844 Miscellaneous
Oedipus Rex (1845) 1845 Oedipus the King
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1845) 1845 Oedipus at Colonus
Antigone (1848) 1848 Antigone
Hippolytos (1851) 1851 Hippolytos Königliches Schauspielhaus
Narziss (1856) 1856 Metamorphoses, Dionysiaca
Trinummus (1859) 1859 Trinummus (Threepence)
[A play by Terence] (1862) 1862 Miscellaneous
Antigone (1866) 1866 Antigone
Oedipus (1873) 1873 Oedipus the King
Antigone (1886) 1886 Antigone Deutsches Theater