Online discussion groups: 2-3 July

Sadly but not surprisingly, we have had to postpone our annual Oxford/London Postgraduate Symposium until summer 2021, and we very much hope you will be able to join us then. This year, however, we would like to offer you something a bit different!
Over 2 and 3 July, we will be hosting a series of informal discussion groups over Zoom where we will reflect on some of the ways in which performance and classics are adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic. The team will offer short ‘provocations’ on the following four themes:

Thursday 2 July (11am – 12.30pm):

        1. Performance, Collaboration and Reception
        2. Digital Archives

Friday 3 July (4.30 – 6pm):

        3. Who authors and owns classical drama in the post-COVID digital world?
        4. Virtual Space, Canon and Performance

How to join:

We will circulate more detailed descriptions for these sessions in the next week, but in the meantime, if you would like to join us, please sign up by emailing . Please note that we will only be sending the link to the Zoom meetings to those who have signed up.
We hope to see you there!