The Balliol Players 1923-1932

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Oedipus Tyrannus (1912) 1912 77 Oedipus the King
The Oresteian Trilogy (1921) 1921 2 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Curse of the House of Atreus (1923) 1923 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Curse of the House of Atreus (1924) 1924 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Hippolytus (1926) 1926 Hippolytos
Iphigenia at Aulis (1927) 1927 Iphigenia at Aulis
Clouds (1928) 1928 74 Clouds
Orestes (1928) 1928 Orestes
King Oedipus (1929) 1929 Oedipus the King
Rhesus (1930) 1930 Rhesos
The Frogs (1931) 1931 Frogs
Oedipus Tyrannus (1932) 1932 123 Oedipus the King

How to cite this source

The Balliol Players 1923-1932, accessed at <19 March 2025>