Ancient works performed here:
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Production | First performed | Companies | Ancient works performed |
Clytemnestra | |||
Sophocles' Electra | Elektra | ||
Pygmalion (1796) | 1796 | Metamorphoses, Biblioteca | |
The Whims of Galatea (1797) | 1797 | Metamorphoses, Biblioteca | |
Ion (1852) | 1852 | Ion | |
Ion (1857) | 1857 | Ion | |
Daphne (1897) | 1897 | Metamorphoses | |
The Syrens (1904) | 1904 | Metamorphoses, Odyssey | |
Apollon ke Dafni (1927) | 1927 | Metamorphoses | |
Amphitryon (1937) | 1937 | Amphitruo | |
"The Golden Fleece" (1941) | 1940 | Argonautica, Metamorphoses | |
Antigone (1945) | 1944 | Antigone | |
My Fair Lady (1956) | 1956 | Metamorphoses, Biblioteca | |
Falls the Shadow Between (1957) | 1957 | Theogony, Metamorphoses, The Rape of Proserpine (De Raptu Proserpine) | |
"Andromache's Farewell" (to Astyanax) (1963) | 1963 | Trojan Women, Aeneid, Metamorphoses, Posthomerica | |
Clytie (1964) | 1964 | Metamorphoses | |
Helen of Troy (1967) | 1967 | American Ballet Theatre | Helen |
The Trojan Women (1968) | 1968 | Trojan Women, Trojan Women, Aeneid, Metamorphoses, Posthomerica | |
Orfeo (1972) | 1972 | Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica | |
Meditation on Orpheus (1975) | 1975 | Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica | |
Orpheus Times Light (1976) | 1976 | Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica | |
Syrinx (1978) | 1978 | Metamorphoses | |
Antigone (1992) | 1992 | Irondale Ensemble Project | Antigone |
Out of This World (1995) | 1995 | Coffee Club Orchestra | Amphitruo |
Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell that was once Her Heart (A Rave Fable) (2006) | 2006 | One Year Lease Theater Company | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Philoctetes (2006) | 2006 | Culture Project | Philoktetes |
unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/venues/1980 <17 February 2025>