Andromaca (1746)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1746
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: 'Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro delle Grazie in Vincenza l'autunno dell'anno 1746, umiliato a S.E. Il signor Verità Zenobio, capitano e V.podestà di Vincenza' (Vincenza, Pietro Antonio Berno, 1746). The libretto for this production was probably an adaptation of Antonio Salvi's libretto Astianatte, first set by Perti for Florence in 1701 (see Sartori ID 3265). The libretto can be linked to Euripides via Racine's Andromaque: it is an adaptation of Racine's tragedy into an opera libretto; according to the operatic convention the ending is modified into a 'lieto fine' (happy ending). The composer is not named.
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Andromache Euripides
Person Role Notes
Domenico Bonifazio Singer Oreste
Elisabetta Cardini Singer Clearte
Teresa Castelli Singer Ermione
Nicola Conti Singer Pirro
Giacinta Forcellini Singer Andromaca
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Grove Music Online Website New Grove Opera: Dale E. Monson, 'Andromache'; Giuntini, Francesco, 'Salvi, Antonio'; Lindgren Lowell, 'Astianatte'
I Libretti Italiani a Stampa dalle Origini al 1800. 7 vols Book library Entry number 1901
From Alessandro (1726) to Tolomeo (1728): The Final Royal Academy Operas Thesis archive Ch. 7: Astianatte and the Scandal
I drammi per musica di Antonio Salvi. Aspetti della 'riforma' del libretto nel primo Settecento Essay

How to cite this production

Andromaca (1746), accessed at <12 February 2025>