List of 11 performances by GTSC

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Oedipus Rex (1958) 1958 Oedipus the King
Antigone (1959) 1959 Antigone
Prometheus Bound (1960) 1960 Prometheus Bound
Agamemnon (1961) 1961 Agamemnon
Philoctetes (1962) 1962 Philoktetes
Trojan Women (Troades) (1963) 1963 Trojan Women
Hercules Furens (1964) 1964 Herakles
Persae (1965) 1965 Persai (Persians)
The Bacchae (1966) 1966 Bacchai
Suppliants (Supplices) (1968) 1968 Suppliant Women
Seven against Thebes (Septem contra Thebas) (1970) 1969 Seven against Thebes

How to cite this source

List of 11 performances by GTSC, accessed at <13 March 2025>