between 300 and 250 BC
Satyr play
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
People involved:
Venues and occasions:
Production notes:
The date of this performance is not known. Sositheus was certainly 3rd century BC since he is counted amongst the tragic Pleiad (see TrGF1, CAT A, 5a, p. 54-55). The date range for performance is based on the evidence of the Suda which says that Sositheus flourished around 284/1 BC. The place of performance is not known, here it is assumed that it would have been produced in Athens. It is debated whether this play was a satyr drama or not, some categorise it as 'pastoral'. We have a summary of the action in a scholiast's comments on Theocritus; see TrGF1, 99 Sositheus, F1a, p. 270.