[Plutarch] Vitae decem oratorum (Lives of the Ten Orators) 4, 16, 838 a-b and 839 b-c = TrGF 1, 73 Aphareus T2, p.238
Related performances:
Performance | People | Performed at | Fesival/Occasion |
Unknown (368 BC, Theatre of Dionysus, Athens) (368 BC) | Aphareus (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Auge (341 BC) | Aphareus (Dramatist) Thettalus (Tragic Actor) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Orestes (341 BC) | Athenodorus (Tragic Actor) Aphareus (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Peliades (341 BC) | Aphareus (Dramatist) Neoptolemus (Tragic Actor) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Associated people: