Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)

Alternative names: 
Ancient location: 
Performances at this venue: 
Performance Year(s) Festival/Occasion People involved
Tereus between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Achilles between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Aegisthus between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Ajax Mastigophorus (Ajax Whip-bearer) between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Danae between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Equus Troianus (Trojan Horse) between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Hermione between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Ino between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Gladiolus (The Dagger) between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Ludius (The Gamester) between 240 and 204 BC Lucius Livius Andronicus
Lampadio between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Danae between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Acontizomenos (Speared) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Hector's departure between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Agiatoria (The Play of the Driver) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Nautae (The Sailors) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Hesione between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Agrypnuntes (The Wide-ways) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Pellex (The Concubine) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Iphigenia between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Equus Troianus (Trojan Horse) between 235 and 201 BC Pacuvius, Naevius
Appella (The Circumcised) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Personata (The Masked play) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Lycurgus between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Proiectus (The Outcast) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Carbonaria (The Collier Maid) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Quadrigemini (The Quadruples) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Chlamydaria (The play about a Cloak) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Stalagmus between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Colax (The Flatterer) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Stigmatias (The Branded Slave) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Corollaria (The Garland Maid) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Tarentilla (The Tarentine Maid) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Demetes (The Madman) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Technicus (The Charlatan) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Demetrius between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Testicularia (A play about Testicles) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Dolus (The Fraud) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Triphallus between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Figulus (The Potter) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Tunicularia (Little tunic) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Glaucoma (Cataract) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Gymnasticus (The Gym-master) between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Andromache between 235 and 201 BC Naevius
Clastidium between 222 and 221 BC Naevius
Romulus (Romulus the Wolf) between 222 and 201 BC Naevius
Leon between 206 and 201 BC Naevius
Ariolus (The Soothsayer) between 206 and 201 BC Naevius
Achilles (Achilles after Aristarchus) between 204 and 189 BC Quintus Ennius
Ajax between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Sabinae (Sabine Women) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Alcmaeon between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Caupuncula (Little hostess) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Alexander between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Erechtheus between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Pancratiastes (All-round champion) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Eumenides between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Hectoris Lytra (Ransom of Hector) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Hecuba between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Iphigenia between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Medea (Medea Exul) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Melanippe between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Nemea between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Phoenix between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Telamon between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Andromache (Andromache Captive) between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Telephus between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Athamas between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Thyestes between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Cresphontes between 204 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Androgynus (The Man-Woman) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Periboea between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Hymnis between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Asotus (The Debauchee) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Teucer between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Hypobolimaeus (The Changeling) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Chalcia (The Coppersmith's holiday) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Aeschinus (Hypoblimaeus Aeschinus) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Chrysion between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Imbrii (The Imbrians) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Dardanus between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Karine (The Keener) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Davus between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Cratinus between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Progamus (Wedding-preliminaries) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Demandati (The Wards) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Meretrix (The Harlot) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Pugil (The Boxer) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Antiope between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Ephesio between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Nauclerus (The Shipmaster) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Sybolum (The Token) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Armorum Iudicium (Award of Arms) between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Epiclerus (The Heiress) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Nothus Nicasio (The Bastard Nicasio) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Synaristosae (Ladies at Lunch) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Atalanta between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Epistathmos (The Quartermaster) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Obolostates (The Money-lender) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Synephebi (Comrades in Youth) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Chryses between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Epistula (The Letter) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Pausimachus between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Syracusii (The Syracusans) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Dulorestes (Orestes as a slave) between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Exhautuhestus (Wise in his own Conceit) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Philumena (The Fiancée) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Titthe (The Wet-nurse) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Hermione between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Exul (The Exile) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Plocium (The Little Necklace) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Triumphus (The Triumph) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Iliona between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Fallacia (The Fraud) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Polumeni (Men for Sale) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Venator (The Hunter) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Aethrio (The Ethereal) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Niptra (Bathing) between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Gamus (The Marriage) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Portitor (The Carrier) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Andria (Girl from Andros) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Pentheus between 190 and 140 BC Pacuvius
Harpazomene (The Abducted girl) between 190 and 168 BC Statius Caecilius
Ambracia between 189 and 169 BC Quintus Ennius
Paulus 168 BC Pacuvius
Brutus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Chrysippus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Myrmidons between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Clytemnestra between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Neoptolemus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Deiphobus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Nyctegresia (Night-alarm) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Diomedes between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Oenomaus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Achilles between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Epigonoi between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Pelopidae (Sons of Pelops) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Agamemnonidae (Children of Agamemnon) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Epinausimache (Battle at the Ships) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Persidae (Sons of Perseus) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Accius' Alcestis between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Erigone between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Philoctetes (Philoctetes on Lemnos) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Phinidae (Sons of Phineus) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Alcmaeon between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Eriphyle between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Phoenissae (Phoenician Women) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Alphesiboea between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Eurysaces between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Prometheus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Antenoridae (Sons of Antenor) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Hecuba between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Stasiastae (Rebels) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Antigone between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Hellenes (The Greeks) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Telephus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Aegisthus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Armorum Iudicium (Award of the Arms) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Io between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Tereus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Astyanax between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Medea (Argonauts) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Thebais between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Athamas between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Melannipus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Troades (Trojan Women) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Atreus between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Meleager between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Aeneadae (Sons of Aeneas) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Bacchae between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Minos (Minotaur) between 140 and 86 BC Lucius Accius
Atreus 34 AD Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus

How to cite this ancient venue

Unknown venue (Rome, Italy), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/ancient-performance/venues/3631 <9 March 2025>