1.1 Reference code:
4.1 Conditions of Access:
refer to archivist
Item | Format | Content | Date | Associated ancient works |
Aeschylus' Suppliants | Poster | 1994 | Suppliant Women | |
Agamemnon | Poster | 1980 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides | |
Antigone | Poster | 1968 | Antigone | |
Bunkamura | Poster | 2002 | Oedipus the King | |
Die Bakchen nach Euripides | Poster | 1988 | Bacchai | |
Elettra | Poster | 1997 | Elektra | |
Fenicische Vrouwen | Poster | 1996 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) | |
Ifigeneia en Taurois | Poster | 1990 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Medea | Poster | 1995 | Medea | |
Medea by Euripides | Poster | 1996 | Medea | |
Ornithes | Poster | 1991 | Birds | |
Prométhée enchaîné d'après Eschyle | Poster | 1995 | Prometheus Bound | |
The Darker Face of the Earth | Poster | 1999 | Oedipus the King | |
The Persians, A Comedy About War with Five Songs | Poster | 2005 | Persai (Persians) | |
The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus | Poster | 1998 | Ichneutai (The Trackers) [fragments] |
Posters (framed), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/uncat/Posters(framed) <2 March 2025>