Dionysus in 69 (1968 - 1969) [1746]

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
6 Axioms for Environmental Theatre Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
A time to dance Photocopy letter to the editor 1968 Bacchai
Actuals: Primitive Ritual and Performance Theory Photocopy journal article 1970 Bacchai
Are you running with me Zeus? Photocopy review 1973 Bacchai
Audience Participation Photocopy journal article 1970 Bacchai
Beyond nude dancing Photocopy letter to the editor 1968 Bacchai
Dionysus in '69: Nudity, Guts and Truth Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
Dionysus in 69, from Euripides' The Bacchae, The Performance Group Photocopy journal article Bacchai
Environmental Theater: An Expanded New Edition including "Six Axioms for Environmental Theater" Photocopy book 1994 Bacchai
Experiments in theater-going: Environmental Theater by Richard Schechner Photocopy review Bacchai
Fact is fact Photocopy letter to the editor 1968 Bacchai
Guerrilla Theatre: May 1970 Photocopy journal article 1969 Bacchai
Here's a god for our times Photocopy newspaper review 1968 Bacchai
Is futz the wave of the future? Print-out newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
Like drunks at a convention? Photocopy letter to the editor 1968 Bacchai
New plays: Dionysus in 69 Photocopy newspaper review 1968 Bacchai
New theater, new politics? Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
Not on marquee, but in spotlight: the audience Photocopy review 1968 Bacchai
Papers in Mudd Library Listing Bacchai
Professor of the Dionysiac theater Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
Public Domains: Essays on the Theatre Photocopy book 1968 Bacchai
Rapture unwrapped Photocopy review 1968 Bacchai
Screen: De Palma's Dionysus in 69 Photocopy newspaper review 1970 Bacchai
Speculations on Radicalism, Sexuality, and Performance Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
Surrounded - but not afraid Photocopy newspaper article 1972 Bacchai
The delusion about illusion Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
The Power of Performance: Environmental Theatre and Heterotopia in Dionysus in '69 [sic] Photocopy journal article 1992 Bacchai
The Serpent/Dionysus in 69 Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
The theater's avant-garde branches out Photocopy newspaper article Bacchai
The theater: against the incoherent Photocopy newspaper review 1968 Bacchai
The Wooster Group stirs controversy with an avant-garde series Photocopy newspaper article Bacchai
Theater: Bacchae updated in garage Photocopy newspaper review 1968 Bacchai
Theater: development of the environmental experience and audience involvement of Dionysus in 69 Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
Theatre and Revolution Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
Theatres, Spaces, Environments: Eighteen Projects Photocopy chapter 1975 Bacchai
Thrust of the trick Photocopy letter to the editor 1968 Bacchai
To be or not to be nude - that is the questioon Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai
Total theater: which way? Photocopy journal article 1968 Bacchai
… Or the wave of the future? Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Bacchai

How to cite this file

Dionysus in 69 (1968 - 1969) [1746], accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/Eur/Eur.Bac.1968(1746) <20 February 2025>