Hybrid Conference
This hybrid event is devoted to current research on Aeschylus' Agamemnon. In addition to work in progress, it will celebrate the publication of three new works on the play: Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Edith Hall (Aris & Phillips, Liverpool University Press, 2024), Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Leah Himmelhoch (Bloomsbury, 2023), and Agamemnon, a Performance History by Claire Kenward & Fiona Macintosh (interactive/multimedia eBook, APGRD, 2023).
Registration for in-person attendance
Please register for in-person attendance via the University Stores page. This is free of charge (excluding lunch), but booking is essential. The final booking date for in-person attendance is 20th March.
Informal lunch
At 12.30pm we will gather in the Ioannou Centre for an informal buffet-style lunch for an hour before the start of the colloquium. Should you wish to join us for the lunch, there is a charge of £8 per person that can be selected as an optional extra when registering for the colloquium. Please note that the final booking date for lunch is slightly earlier on 14th March.
Online attendance
For anyone unable to join us in Oxford, feel free to join us from 1.30pm via Zoom
13.30-13.35: Welcome
13.35-14.15: Book Launch - Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Edith Hall (Aris & Phillips, Liverpool University Press, 2024)
- 13.35-13.50: Ahuvia Kahane (Dublin)
- 13.50-14.00: Edith Hall (Durham)
- 14.00-14.15: Discussion
14.20-15.00: Book Launch - Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Leah Himmelhoch (Bloomsbury, 2023)
- 14.20-14.35: Tommaso Suaria (Lisbon)
- 14.35-14.45: Leah Himmelhoch (Hobart & William Smith Colleges)
- 14.45-15.00: Discussion
15.05-16.00: Book Launch - Agamemnon, a Performance History by Fiona Macintosh and Claire Kenward (interactive/multimedia eBook, APGRD, 2023)
- 15.05-15.10: Claire Kenward (Oxford)
- 15.10-15.25: Mai Musié (Swansea)
- 15.25-15.40: Emmanuela Bakola (Warwick)
- 15.40-15.45: Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)
- 15.45-16.00: Discussion
16.00-16.30: Coffee break
16.30-17.45: Work in Progress
- 16.30-17.00: Felix Budelmann and Saskia Peels-Matthey (Groningen), 'An Audience Experiment and Workshop on the Parodos of Aeschylus' Agamemnon'
- 17.00-17.15: Thomas Nelson (Oxford), 'Carriages of Justice: Receptions of the Agamemnon's Carpet Scene'
- 17.15-17.45: Discussion
17.45-18.30: Drinks reception
With thanks to Bloomsbury and Liverpool University Press for their generous sponsoring of the event.
The Ioannou Centre lecture theatre is located on the ground floor and the Centre is fully wheelchair accessible; an accessible toilet is located on the ground floor and on the first floor. Please see the online Access Guide for more details about the building's accessibility. Feel free to email the apgrd at apgrd@classics.ox.ac.uk with any queries.