Oscar Wilde and the Classics Colloquium

Friday, July 11, 2014 - 10:15am
Lecture Theatre, 66 St Giles', Oxford

Colloquium to mark the 160th anniversary of Wilde's birth, organised by the APGRD, University of Oxford, with the support of The Open University.

£15 conference fee (includes lunch and drinks reception). £30 colloquium dinner.

To book a place please visit the Oxford University store or email iarla.manny@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk


10.15am Registration and Coffee in the Classics Centre, 66 St Giles' 

10.30 Welcome (Fiona Macintosh, Oxford)

10.45-12.45pm (Chair: Dan Orrells, Warwick)

Alastair Blanshard (Queensland), 'Social Life in Greece from Mahaffy to Wilde'
Gideon Nisbet (Birmingham), 'How Wilde read Symonds' Greek Poets'
Iain Ross (Freelance scholar), 'Virtue as it was understood by the ancients': Notes towards a comparative grammar of Wilde and Nietzsche'

12.45-1.145pm LUNCH

1.45-3pm (Chair: Fiona Macintosh, Oxford)

Kathleen Riley (Freelance scholar), 'All the terrible beauty of a Greek tragedy': Wilde's kinship with the great humanist of Hellas'
Isobel Hurst (Goldsmiths, London), 'Comedy and tragicomedy in Eliot, Browning, and Wilde '

3-3.15pm TEA

3.15-4.30pm (Chair: Oliver Taplin, Oxford)

Serena Witzke (North Carolina), 'I knew I had a Brother': Fraternity and Identity in Plautus' Menaechmi and Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest'
Iarla Manny (Open/Oxford), 'A Bad Influence?' Ovid's Orpheus in Wilde's Dorian Gray'
Shushma Malik (Manchester), 'Nero in an Essay, a Novel, and a Letter: The Development of Nero in Three Works of Oscar Wilde'

5pm -5.45pm - Visit to Magdalen College Library to view the Wilde Manuscripts

6-7pm (JdP) (Chair: David Rose, Paris)

Stefano Evangelista (Oxford), 'Cosmopolitan Classicism: Oscar Wilde between Ancient and Modern Decadence'

7-8pm Drinks and Performance by Live Canon

8pm Conference Dinner