Oedipus (1970)

1.1 Reference code: 
1.3 Dates: 
4.1 Conditions of Access: 
refer to archivist

This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
Entertainments Guide: The Guardian Print-out newspaper article 1969 Oedipus the King
Inside the shell of technique - Arts Guardian Print-out newspaper interview 1969 Oedipus the King
King Oedipus Leaflet cast list / credits Oedipus the King
London Bomb Site Forms a Backdrop for the Young Vic - New York Times Print-out newspaper article 1969 Oedipus the King
Montreal Gazette - Young Vic opens by Butcher's Shop Print-out website Oedipus the King

How to cite this file

Oedipus (1970), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/Sop/Sop.OT.1970(11163) <29 March 2025>