Oidipous Tyrannos (1965 - 1966) [808]

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
Athens Festival Programme 1966 Festival programme festival programme 1966 Trojan Women, Lysistrata, Ion, Oedipus the King, Hekabe (Hecuba), Birds, Wealth
Mingling of Styles in Oedipus Newspaper cutting review 1966 Oedipus the King
Notes on Oedipus Rex done by Greek National Theatre Personal notes 1966 Oedipus the King
World Theatre Season '66 programme Festival programme festival programme 1966 Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Hekabe (Hecuba)

How to cite this file

Oidipous Tyrannos (1965 - 1966) [808], accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/Sop/Sop.OT.1965(808) <20 March 2025>