Bacchai (2002) [4302]

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
All dark and comfortless Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Newspaper cutting listing 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Magazine listing 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Programme 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Newspaper cutting advertisement 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Press release 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai programme Programme programme 2002 Bacchai
Bacchai programme insert Programme insert programme insert 2002 Bacchai
Bakches Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Bakches lites kai euphantastes Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Bakches lousmenes sto phos Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Behind the masks; their passion for 'one of the best plays ever written' has persuaded director Peter Hall and composer Harri Print-out newspaper article 2002 Bacchai
Blood sisters Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Book now Newspaper cutting listing 2002 Bacchai, Hippolytos
Epitelous, apo skenes e ousia ton Bakchon Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Euripides' Bacchai Photocopy review 2002 Bacchai
Greek drama brilliantly staged - but one thing is missing Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Greek drama that still startles Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Houston's Pentheus radiates the baffled indignation of a blustering weakling Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Illusion versus delusion Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
In bedlam with Madonna Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Lunch with the FT Print-out newspaper article 2002 Bacchai
Making a hit from a myth Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
National Theatre Seasonal calendar 2002 Bacchai, Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Birds
National Theatre Seasonal calendar 2002 Bacchai
NT eduction workpack: The Oresteia Print-out website 2002 Bacchai
O Dionysos mesa mou Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
O Euripides einai ligo … Irlandos! Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Olivier Theatre: Bacchai Ticket 2002 Bacchai
Peter Hall on Bacchai Programme 2002 Bacchai, Iphigenia at Aulis
Phota, ki alla phota sten Epidauro Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Platforms: Bacchai and beyond Flyer 2002 Bacchai, Iphigenia at Aulis
Play for today - by Euripides Print-out newspaper article 2002 Bacchai
Programme: Bacchai Programme programme 2002 Bacchai
Reviews: Bacchai Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Reviews: Bacchai Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Royal National Theatre: Bacchai Cast list & credits 2002 Bacchai
Savage and bloody ecstasy Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai
Sungchrone satira, archaio drama Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
The big interview … Colin Teevan Print-out website 2002 Bacchai
The five best plays in London Newspaper cutting listing 2002 Bacchai
Theatrike eudaimonia me Bakches Print-out review 2002 Bacchai
Transcript of an interview with Peter Hall [on collaborating with Teevan and Birtwistle] Print-out interview 2002 Bacchai
Transcript of an interview with Peter Hall [on themes of Bacchai] Print-out interview 2002 Bacchai
Triple crown for Mendes at Oliviers Newspaper cutting article 2003 Bacchai
Well, don't just stand there … Newspaper cutting review 2002 Bacchai

How to cite this file

Bacchai (2002) [4302], accessed at <5 February 2025>