Peace (1969) [1747]

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
Across the footlights: propitiating the gods Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Aristophanes and Al Carmines Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Aristophanes with music Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Comedy turn Photocopy image 1968 Peace
Greekless as we are Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Off-Broadway reviews: Peace Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Old Greek would laugh at his updated Peace Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy image 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy programme 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy image 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Peace Photocopy advertisement 1968 Peace
Peace a bawdy musical Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Peace is vanquished by words & mus[ic] Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Peace to end run at Astor Photocopy newspaper article 1968 Peace
Stage: minstrel musical Photocopy review 1968 Peace
Theater: camping it up Photocopy review 1968 Peace

How to cite this file

Peace (1969) [1747], accessed at <6 March 2025>