Oresteia (1981 - 1982)

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
Aeschylus lives on in London Photocopy review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Agamemnon's return Newspaper cutting review 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Agamemnon's return - 'Guardian' article Newspaper cutting article 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
An outline of grandeur Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Audio recording of Agamemnon workshop (8 CDs) CD recording 1977 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Correspondence between Peter Hall and Harold Baldry Correspondence correspondence 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Fears and furies Newspaper cutting review 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Flame of drama kept alive Newspaper cutting article 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Groans and grudges Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Harrison's Aeschylus and Logue's Homer Photocopy journal article 1998 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
History Today: Today's Oresteia: The Story of Orestes Flyer flyer 1983 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 1 from Oresteia B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 2 from Oresteia - larger B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 2 from Oresteia - smaller B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 3 from Oresteia - larger B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 3 from Oresteia - smaller B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 4 from Oresteia B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Image 5 from Oresteia B&W photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Images from Peter Hall's 1981 Oresteia (Image 1) Photocopy image 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Jocelyn Herbert: A Theatre Workbook Photocopy book 1993 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Letter from Giles Block to Oliver Taplin Correspondence 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Letter from John Higgins to Oliver Taplin Correspondence 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Letter from Lynne Kirwin to Oliver Taplin Correspondence 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Marathon in masks Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Masked men Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Masked tragedy Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Masks for the sex war Newspaper cutting article 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Masks of tragedy Magazine article 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Masks that obscure a tragedy Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Meanwhile, over the water the NT has been trying to match The Greeks … Photocopy review 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Trojan Women, Hekabe (Hecuba), Elektra, Orestes, Helen, Andromache, Iphigenia at Aulis, Iphigenia among the Taurians
Mystery behind the mask Newspaper cutting review 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
National Theatre: Feb/March 1982 Seasonal calendar 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
National Theatre: The Oresteia Leaflet advertisement 1980 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
NT Programme Notes Programme programme Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
NT25 Booklet 2001 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
NT25 poll winner 1981: The Oresteia Print-out personal notes 2001 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Lysistrata, Iphigenia at Aulis
NT25 poll winner 1981: The Oresteia by Aeschylus in a version by Tony Harrison Programme 2001 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Olympian decision settles theatre's burning problem Newspaper cutting article 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
On a far grander scale even than … Photocopy review 1982 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Trojan Women, Hekabe (Hecuba), Elektra, Orestes, Helen, Andromache, Iphigenia at Aulis, Iphigenia among the Taurians
Oresteia Script script 1980 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia - Programme Programme programme 1981 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Agamemnon, Eumenides
Oresteia Chorus Photograph 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia flyer Flyer flyer 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia programme (draft) Programme 1981 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia programme notes Programme programme 1981 Eumenides, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Agamemnon
Oresteia: Agamemnon (TV film of stage production) Videotape recording 1983 Eumenides, Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Oresteia: Eumenides - videotape of TV film of stage production Videotape recording 1983 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia: Libation Bearers (TV film of National Theatre stage production) Videotape recording 1983 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Photographs of APGRD 30th anniversary celebration and exhibition Print-out photographs 2011 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Photographs of Tony Harrison's Oresteia notebooks DVD photographs Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides

How to cite this file

Oresteia (1981 - 1982) , accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/Aes/Aes.O.1981(577) <13 March 2025>