Tantalus (2000 - 2001)

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
'Tantalus' reinterprets Trojan War Review 2000 Agamemnon
10 hours not only big thing about play Article 2000 Agamemnon
2001: an arts odyssey - theatre Review 2001 Agamemnon
A day well spent Review 2001 Agamemnon
A History of the Production Production chronology production chronology Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache
A Trojan dog Article 2001 Agamemnon
Advance copy of Helene Foley Tantalus review Print-out review 2001 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Another suitcase, another Hall Article 2000 Agamemnon
Applause Newsletter 2000 Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba)
Applause magazine special edition : Tantalus Magazine magazine 2000 Agamemnon
Article : 'Greek tragedy' Newspaper cutting article Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache
Barton's Trojan vision Review 2001 Agamemnon
BMCR Tantalus review Print-out review Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache
Breastplates, bikinis and blood : review of Tantalus Newspaper cutting review 2001 Agamemnon
Clash of the Titans Article 2000 Agamemnon
Clash of the Titans : review of Tantalus Photocopy review 2000 Agamemnon
Costumes, theatrical memorabilia on display Article 2000 Agamemnon
Daily Telegraph article : 'Is this the way to treat an old master?' Newspaper cutting newspaper article
Daily Telegraph Review Photocopy review 2000 Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache
Death by myth adventure Review 2001 Agamemnon
Email and Denver symposium papers : Tantalus Print-out email correspondence Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Email from Michael Comber to Julia Griffin Print-out email correspondence 2001 Agamemnon
Email re. Tantalus KCL conference Print-out email correspondence Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Essay by Michael Kustow: Tantalus at the heart of a Barbican festival: 'The Trojan War and our times' Print-out essay 1999 Agamemnon
Eurostar Magazine, May 2001, no.56 Magazine 2001 Agamemnon
Fax : 'Tantalus : a ten-play drama cycle for the millenium' Correspondence correspondence
Guardian article : 'Hall blasts Britain as Trojan epic goes west' Newspaper cutting newspaper article 2000 Agamemnon
Guardian Review Newspaper cutting newspaper article 2000 Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba)
Guardian Review Review review 2001 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Happiness is … no Trojan horse Article 2000 Agamemnon
Introducing the world of 'Tantalus' Booklet 2000 Agamemnon
Introducing the world of 'Tantalus' Photocopy booklet 2000 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Letter re. Tantalus Correspondence correspondence Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Letter re. Tantalus Correspondence correspondence Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Marathon play 'Tantalus' opens Review 2000 Agamemnon
Mobilizing to stage an epic, brutal Trojan War Article 2000 Agamemnon
Mobilizing to stage an epic, brutal Trojan War - by Margaret Croyden Article 2000 Agamemnon
Mr Fixit and chums Interview 2001 Agamemnon
Newspaper Article Newspaper article article 2000 Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women
Newspaper Review Newspaper cutting review 2000 Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad
Newspaper Review Newspaper article review 2000 Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba)
Newspaper Review Newspaper review 2000 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Nice costumes, though Newspaper cutting review 2001 Agamemnon
Peter Hall's production of 'Tantalus' at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham … Image 2001 Agamemnon
Peter Hall's production of Tantalus Newspaper cutting advertisement 2001 Agamemnon
Pick of the Week Article Article article 2000 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Pick of the week: Tantalus Review 2001 Agamemnon
Playwright lashes out in Tantalus row Newspaper cutting review 2001 Agamemnon
Programme : Tantalus Programme programme 2000 Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon
Programme : Tantalus Programme programme 2001 Trojan Women, Andromache, Iliad, Agamemnon, Hekabe (Hecuba)

How to cite this file

Tantalus (2000 - 2001), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/archive/Gen-Col/Aes/Aes.Ag.2000(3768) <3 March 2025>