The Great Agamemnon

between 22 BC and 14 AD
Not known
Medium of performance: 
People involved: 
(Pantomime dancer)
(Pantomime dancer)
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
According to Macrobius’ Saturnalia (2.7.12-14), Hylas, a pupil of Pylades danced the role of Agamemnon but was criticized by his teacher for making the king tall not great. Pylades himself is then said to have danced the role. Characters from the Trojan War were certainly included among the roles danced by pantomimes but the long stretch of time separating Macrobius’ dialogue (probably composed in the first half of the fifth century AD) from Augustus makes it impossible to be sure of the historicity of the anecdote.

How to cite this ancient performance

The Great Agamemnon, accessed at <10 March 2025>