Quadrigemini (The Quadruples)

between 235 and 201 BC
People involved: 
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
We do not know when this play was produced. According to Aulus Gellius (Attic nights, 17. 21, 44), Naevius began to produce plays in Rome c. 235 BC. He lived until 201 BC, if we can believe Jerome (Chron. Olymp. 144,3). The date range for performance is therefore based on these two dates. It is assumed that the plays were performed in Rome. This play was a fabula palliata (comedy in Greek dress).

How to cite this ancient performance

Quadrigemini (The Quadruples), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/ancient-performance/performance/866 <1 February 2025>