Icarioi Satyroi

between 340 and 329 BC
Not known
Medium of performance: 
Fully Staged Play
People involved: 
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
The date of performance of this satyr play is not known. The date range offered here is based on the known dates for Timocles' victories, the earliest of which was 340 BC and the latest may be 329 (depending on the restoration of the inscription). The performance venue is not known, but here it is assumed to be the City Dionysia. It has been questioned whether this play was a satyr drama or perhaps a comedy, for a view in favour of it being a satyr drama see D. Sutton, A Handlist of Satyr Plays, p. 121.

How to cite this ancient performance

Icarioi Satyroi, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/ancient-performance/performance/447 <4 March 2025>