Unknown (282 BC, Unknown venue, Delos)

282 BC
Not known
People involved: 
(Tragic Actor)
(Tragic Actor)
(Tragic Actor)
Known from: 
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
We can infer from the inscription (IG XI 106) that tragedies were staged at the Dionysia at Delos in 282 BC. We do not know the titles of any of the tragedies, but we know that the choregoi were: Amphialtes, Neocrontides, Craton, Agloneas, Delicus, and Dorion. There were also tragic performances ('presentations for the god') by: Theodorus, Themistonax and Nicostratus at the same occasion.

How to cite this ancient performance

Unknown (282 BC, Unknown venue, Delos), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/ancient-performance/performance/117 <20 March 2025>