Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae)

between 150 and 175 AD
Not known
People involved: 
Not known
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
The inscription recording the name of the winner of the contest for revivals of old Comedies is badly damaged, leaving only the end of the adjective naming his place of origin, which has been restored as Hestiaea. The same festival had competitions in new tragedy won by Artemon of Athens and new comedy, won by Antiphon of Athens. For the unknown comic actor, see Stephanis 2959.

How to cite this ancient performance

Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/ancient-performance/performance/1076 <6 March 2025>