Milesia (Woman from Miletus)

100 BC
Medium of performance: 
Fully Staged Play
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
People involved: 
(Comic Actor)
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
Agathenor's comedy Milesia (Woman from Miletus) is included in a list of prize-winning performances at the festival in honour of Roma. At the same festival, Polemaeus won the prize for tragedy with his Klytaimestra and for satyr-play with his Ajax. Hierocles [adopted] son of Hierocles, natural son of Philotus, from Tralles acted, for this actor see Stephanis no. 1257. For the dramatist/play see Poetae Comici Graeci ed. R. Kassel and C. Austin vol. II (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 1991), p. 1.

How to cite this ancient performance

Milesia (Woman from Miletus), accessed at <28 February 2025>