Thespiae, Boeotia


Alternative names: 
Geonames id: 
Pleiades id: 
Performances at this location: 
Performance People Fesival/Occasion
Unknown (85 BC, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (85 BC) Alexander (Comic Actor) Mouseia
Unknown (85 BC, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (85 BC) Boïscus (Dramatist) Straton (Comic Actor) Mouseia
Unknown (85 BC, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (85 BC) Aristocrates (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (between 85 and 75 BC, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 85 and 75 BC) Euarchus (Comic Actor) Mouseia
Unknown (between 85 and 75 BC, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 85 and 75 BC) Pharadas (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 150 and 175 AD) Artemon (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 150 and 175 AD) Not known Mouseia
Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 150 and 175 AD) Antiphon (Dramatist) Antiphon (Comic Actor) Mouseia
Unknown (between 150 and 175 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 150 and 175 AD) Marcus Aemilius (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (160 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (160 AD) Metrobius (Tragic Actor) Mouseia
Unknown (160 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (160 AD) Antiochus (Tragic Actor) Apollonius (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (160 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (160 AD) Antiochus (Dramatist) Mouseia
Unknown (between 161 and 169 AD, Unknown venue, Thespiae) (between 161 and 169 AD) Amphichares (Dramatist) Mouseia